COSTA RICA | Finca San Calletano / Miramar Microlot 12oz

COSTA RICA | Finca San Calletano / Miramar Microlot 12oz


cupping notes: nectarine, dark chocolate, vanilla, juicy. light/medium roast

Alto San Juan Micromill is owned by an intrepid young producer named Diego Abarca, who took a plot of land from his family's farm, given to him by his father, and transformed it into a successful business as a coffee producer in his own right. His yields have grown every year, and it has allowed him to attempt more experimentation in addition to having tighter quality control: Diego has been at the forefront of coffee processing, now doing many different processes for his coffees. 

Diego owns and operates Finca San Calletano, a beautiful farm on the top of a hillside that is often filled with clouds you can nearly touch. San Calletano is divided into various lots for the sake of crop management and traceability.

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