UGANDA | Rwenzori Silverback | natural 12oz
UGANDA | Rwenzori Silverback | natural 12oz
cupping notes: juicy, dried cranberry, mellow malt, fresh coffee cherry medium roast
This natural processed coffee comes from the Rwenzori region in Uganda. This is a collection of coffee from small-holder producers in the region. Rwenzori is home to the Rwenzori mountains and lies on the border with DRC. The coffee in that area is grown on fertile, volcanic soil.
The cherries are selectively picked and brought to the processing station on the same day. It is then separated by floatation and put onto drying tables. The coffee is then dried for 21 to 35 days. Once it is ready, the dried cherries are then brought to Kampala for milling and export processing.
Coffee is typically harvested here from September to December.